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  中考关于神舟七号英语作文素材 【字体:
作者:未知    文章来源:转载    点击数:1133    更新时间:2008/10/7

The Shenzhou 7 mission, to launch as early as Thursday, will be the first to carry a full complement of three astronauts, one of whom will perform China’s first spacewalk, or EVA for “extra-vehicular activity.” It is China’s third manned mission.


The maneuver will help China master docking techniques needed for the construction of a space station, likely to be achieved initially by joining one Shenzhou orbiter to another.


The mission launches from the Jiuquan launch site in northwestern China. The lead astronaut, Zhai Zhigang, is expected to carry out the 40-minute spacewalk, which China will broadcast live.


“Shenzhou 7 is an incremental but important step forward,” said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on the Chinese space program at the U.S. Naval War College in Rhode Island.

来自罗德艾兰州的一位研究中国空间项目的专家,美国海军学院的Joan Johnson-Freese先生说:“神七标志着中国在空间领域的一个非常重要的跨越式进步。”

Riding a wave of pride and patriotism after hosting the Olympics, China’s communist leaders face few of the public doubts or budgetary pressures constraining such programs elsewhere. That has allowed them to fuse political will and scientific gusto in a step-by-step process that could one day see Chinese astronauts landing on the moon.


Chinese space programs are methodically moving forward in a “very deliberate, graduated” manner, said Charles Vick, a space analyst for the Washington think tank GlobalSecurity.org. Beijing is accumulating the building blocks of a comprehensive program, demonstrating “caution but confidence” as it gains on the U.S. and other space powers, he said.

中国空间项目正以其“非常从容不迫的、老道的”的方式有条不紊地向前推进,华盛顿智囊团(GlobalSecurity.org)、空间分析专家Charles Vick 先生说。北京正在积累建立空间综合项目的经验,以“小心谨慎却很自信”的角色,表露其赶超美国和其他空间大国的决心,Charles Vick先生接着说。

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