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  GRE单词列表 【字体:
作者:网络    文章来源:网络    点击数:493    更新时间:2007/1/15

编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(Southwest Texas State University)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗?



aberration anomaly, deviation from standard, irregularity, atypical

abrogate do away with

abstemious sparing, moderate (in eating, drinking)

abstruse (recondite) concealed, deep, difficult to comprehend

accolade award, honor, high praise

accretion accumulation, enlargement, growth

adroitly skillfully

adulate admire excessively/slavishly, flatter

alacrity eagerness, readiness

alias assumed

allocate distribute, designate

allusion indirect reference to something else, hint (in literature)

ameliorate improve

amenable agreeable

arbiter one who arbitrates/decides, judge

ardor fervor, enthusiasm

assuage lessen the intensity of something

audacious bold, fearless

audacity (impertinence) boldness, reckless daring

auspicious (propitious) prosperous, favorable

aver prove truth of, state it is true

badger harass/annoy continuously, bait

baleful hurtful, malignant, sorrowful

beget bringsintosbeing, cause to exist


bereave deprive, leave desolate (through death)

brazenly boldly

brook tolerate

burnish polish

cacophony harsh sounding mixture of sounds

cajole deceptively persuade someone to do something he/she

declines to

candid (candor) free from prejudice/bias/malice, honest, fair

capricious unpredicbr, momentarily changeable

chary cautious

circumlocution indirect expression, use of wordy/evasive language

coda distinct passage concluding a composition

cogent powerful

cognizant perceptive, observant

compliant yielding, submissive

composure ease

conciliatory peace making

conjoin join together

conjure summon, bringsintosbeing as if by magic

connoisseur expert (in art, taste)

consensus unanimity, near unanimity, complete accord in opinion

contentious argumentative

conundrum puzzle, riddle

corroborate confirm, back up with evidence

cower shrink

debacle violent, sudden breakdown/overthrow

debauchery intemperance, wild living

decorous in good taste, proper

deleterious (baleful) harmful, menacing

despondent desperate, hopeless

dire disastrous, horrible, ill-omened, extreme

dirge chant/song of sorrow/mourning, rites for the dead

disavow deny


disparage detract


ing depreciatory, derogatory, detraction

dispassionate passionless, impartial, neutral

divergent differing, deviating

doggerel loose, unskillful verse

dogma (doctrine) authoritative tenet, established opinion

dubious doubtful, questionable

eclectic drawn from many sources

edict decree, mandate, law, writ, command


effluvium escaping gas, noxious vapors

emaciation waste away, become thin/weak


emollient balm, salve, softening, soothing

enigma problem, puzzle, mystery

enmity (animosity) antagonism, hatred, antipathy

epicure one interested in fine foods

epithet descriptive

equivocal ambiguous, intentionally confusing

erratic (eccentric, fitful) inconsistent, unpredicbr,

aimless, spasmodic, unusual, capricious

erudite scholarly, deeply learned

escrow legal agreement handled by 3rd party until conditions


euphemism use of nice words in place of distasteful ones

evanescent vanishing, fading, scarcely perceptible

exigent urgent

exonerate completely free from blame

exorbitant extravagant, immoderate

exploit milk, drain, exhaust

exposition (explication) setting forth meaning, explanation

extol celebrate, glorify [antonym - lambaste]

extricate loosen, release [antonym - intricate]

exuberant extremely joyful, vigorous, profuse in growth


faddish (fad) passing (fashion, craze)


feckless careless


fester blister, inflame, cancer

fickle deceitful, inconstant

fission splittingsintosparts

fissure narrow slit, crack, cleft


flippant shallow, disrespectful

flout disregard because of disrespect

flux substance aiding fusion


forbear refrain from, abstain


frivolous flimsy, trivial, lacking seriousness


fulminate strike, send forth invectives, akin to lightning

fulsome disgusting, morally offensive

fumble handle clumsily, fail to catch


garish (gaudy) flashy, excessively colorful


garrulous (loquacious) extremely talkative, wordy

gavel (mallet) wooden hammer

genial helpful, cheerful, pleasant

genre distinctive category/class (especially in literature)

goad urge forcefully, to prod

gouge chisel with curved blade

gouging force out


hapless unlucky

hold placeswherescargo is kept

hone sharpen


le calm


implement carry out

improvident (lavish) wasteful, careless

impudent bold, impertinent, discourteous

impugn attack, especially the truth/integrity of something

impute ascribe to, refer to, attribution

inchoate unformed, just beginning


indifference detachment, lack of interest/concern

indignant angry (as result of unfairness)

indulgent lenient, yielding to desire

inelucbr inevibr, unavoidable


infatuation love [antonym - odium]

ingenuous free from deceit/disguise

insolvent unable to pay one's bills

intrinsic inherent

invective insulting/abusive speech

laconic using few words (to the point of rudeness)

lambaste scold, beat [antonym - extol]

laudatory (approbative) applausive, approving

lax slack, careless, negligent, not strict

levee embankment to prevent overflowing of river

lode a vein, ore imbedded in a rock fissure

loquacious (garrulous) extremely talkative/wordy

maverick (rebel) nonconformist

mellifluous sweetly flowing

minatory threatening

misanthrope one who hates people

mitigated softened

mitis soft

munificent (lavish) very generous

neophyte beginner

noisome bad-smelling

obdurate (intracbr) stubborn, inflexible

odium hate, disgust [antonym - infatuation]

offense wrongdoing

oscillate (fluctuate) swing back and forth

ossify harden, turn to bone, become rigid

ostentatious conspicuous, showing off

palliate excuse, cause to seem less serious

palpable touchable, obvious

panegyric lofty praise

partisan who supports a particular idea ...

peccadillo slight fault

pedagogue pedantic/dogmatic person, teacher

penchant inclination

penchant strong liking/leaning

petulant ill-tempered, rude, cranky

piquant spicy, pleasantly pungent

placate (propitiate) conciliate, pacify, appease, calm, soothe

placid calm, peaceful

plumb measure the depth of

polemic powerful argument in refutation of something

pragmatic practical

precarious uncertain, dangerous

precipice very steep, overhanging place, hazardous situation

precipitate cause to happen abruptly

presumptuous arrogant

prevarication lie

pristine pure, uncorrupted, unspoiled

probity integrity, honesty

prodigy extraordinary

promulgate (proclaim) declare, put in force/law

propinquity kinship, nearness

propitiate (placate) conciliate, pacify, appease, calm, soothe

proscription restriction/ban/restraint imposed

proselytize convert, recruit converts

pundit expert

pungent sharp/biting to taste/smell

qualify modify, restrict

rampart fortification, defense

ravenous very eager/greedy for food/gratification/satisfaction

reciprocal mutual, shared, interchangeable (but not in math!)

recondite (abstruse) obscure, concealed, deep, difficult to


rectitude righteousness, moral integrity

reprobate depraved, wicked, corrupt, degenerate, vicious

repugnant offensive, distasteful

resolute (intransigent) determined, unyielding

reticent (tacit) quiet, dumb, reserved, silent, reluctant

ribald in decent, coarse

rivet attract and hold attention

sagacious wise (from experience)

salubrious promoting good health

sanction ratify, confirm, authorize, approve

saturnine gloomy/sullen/dismal in temperament

savor relish, enjoy

sedulous zealous, persevering [antonym - careless]

serene tranquil, clear, untroubled, calm

sinuous winding, intricate

spendthrift wasteful, extravagant

spurious bogus, false

squalid filthy, repulsive, wretched, degraded

subjugate enslave, subdue, dominate

substantive solid, substantial

succinct concise, precisely expressed

sullen gloomy, dismal

superficial shallow, unimportant, external, without profundity

superfluous extra, unnecessary

surreptitious secret, sneaky

tacit implicit, understood

taunt insult, ridicule

temerity (audacity) recklessness, foolish boldness

tiff argument

timbre quality of sound independent of pitch/loudness

tout give a tip

transitory temporary

trepidation fear, nervousness

truculent savage, fierce

turbid muddy, foul with sediments

turpitude (depravity) shameful wickedness

untoward (awkward) unfavorable, unruly

usurer money lender charging high interest

vacuous stupid

veracity truthfulness

vex annoy, pester, confuse

vindicate clear from blame/suspicion

viscid sticky, viscous

viscous thick and sticky

visionary dreamer (with impractical goals/ideas about future)

vituperation (malediction) abusive language

welter (turmoil) confused mass

xenophobe one who hates strangers

Compiled by Monika Bender


Southwest Texas State University

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